A box of RelaxCalm Organic Herbal Tea by Secrets of Tea with twenty tea bags. Text on the box emphasizes the tea’s stress relief and sleep support qualities. Ingredients include rooibos, lavender, chamomile, ginger, rosehip, lemon peel, and lemon balm.
A box of RelaxCalm Organic Herbal Tea by Secrets of Tea with twenty tea bags. Text on the box emphasizes the tea’s stress relief and sleep support qualities. Ingredients include rooibos, lavender, chamomile, ginger, rosehip, lemon peel, and lemon balm. Where is more photos of samah bensalem
A box of RelaxCalm Organic Herbal Tea by Secrets of Tea sits on a pink couch. Text on the box highlights the tea's stress relief, relaxation, and sleep support benefits.
A box of RelaxCalm Organic Herbal Tea by Secrets of Tea sits on a wooden table beside a laptop and a notebook. Text on the box emphasizes the tea's stress relief and sleep support qualities.  Here are some additional options you can use depending on what you want to emphasize:
A mug of RelaxCalm Organic Herbal Tea by Secrets of Tea steams on a wooden table. The box in the background highlights the tea’s stress relief and sleep support properties.
شاي لتخفيف التوتر: Relaxing Mama Tea-40 Servings- USDA Organic
A box of RelaxCalm Organic Herbal Tea by Secrets of Tea sits on a pink couch. Text on the box highlights the tea's stress relief, relaxation, and sleep support benefits.
A box of RelaxCalm Organic Herbal Tea by Secrets of Tea sits on a pink couch. Text on the box highlights the tea's stress relief, relaxation, and sleep support benefits.

شاي لتخفيف التوتر: Relaxing Mama Tea-40 Servings- USDA Organic

سعر عادي $17.99 سعر البيع$15.95


  • مزيج لذيذ من المكونات العضوية التي تساعد بشكل طبيعي يخفف من التوتر والقلق أثناء وبعد الحمل
  • آمن أثناء الحمل والرضاعة
  • SECRETS OF TEA RELAXING MAMA ستساعدك أيضًا على النوم بشكل أفضل وأسهل
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