10 Expert-Approved ways to stop newborn colic

It’s a bit scary to think anything can be wrong with your baby, after bringing them home. Colic is one of the most popular newborn problems, that babies get, once they’re home from the hospital. Babies are helpless when they have colic and experience loud crying and the plague of sleepless nights. Help cool your babies’ worries with these expert tips: 

Baby Colic: What is it? 

Colic is not a disease. According to Stanford Children's’ Health, “Doctors have defined colic as prolonged or excessive crying in an infant who is otherwise well.”, It is only behavioural, which may help relieve some of your worries. The most common behaviours that relate to colic include heavy crying, red or flushed face and clenched fists while crying. 

TIP #1: Calm Your Baby 

It’s natural to get in a frenzy, whenever your baby cries for a long period of time. Especially, when you feel you can’t help them, no matter what you do. Try taking a step back to dim the lights, and sing to your baby softly, while gently rocking. This will soften the mood and create a comfortable environment, which can help stop their crying. 

TIP #2: Repeat Burping 

Try burping your baby to relieve gas. Repeat burping, even when you have burped after feeding. While experiencing colic, babies may need an extra push to release gas from their stomachs. Otherwise, they become irritable and cry out of pain or frustration. 

TIP #3: Try Baby Tea!
Babies’ Magic Tea by Secrets of Tea is an all natural, purely sanitized tea to relieve symptoms of baby colic and stomach discomfort. Regarded as an effective cure in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. More paediatricians are turning to the health benefits of Baby Magic Tea. This tea helps with infant stomach irritation; soothing your baby and allowing them to sleep well through the night. Also, have been used with premature babies that have difficulties absorbing nutrients. 

TIP #4: Make Changes to Your Diet 

If you are breastfeeding, your infant may be reacting to certain foods you eat. Fruits high in acid can contribute, such as oranges and lemons. Other foods that may cause changes in breast milk include specific vegetables, like cauliflower and cabbage. 

TIP #5: Sit Baby Upright 

Try sitting your baby upright after feedings, to help eliminate the swallowing of air bubbles. Once babies swallow air bubbles, it causes stubborn and sometimes painful gas. Sitting them upright during bottle or breastfeeding can help them burp quickly after drinking a bottle. 

TIP #6: Give A Warm Bath 

Settle your baby in a warm bathtub, to relax their muscles, which can be strained when trying to push gas from the stomach. A warm bath should help ease tension. 

TIP #7: Take A Car Ride 

The slight bumpiness of the road will help gently rock your infant to sleep. Or, hearing air coming from the car vents, will help your baby focus on something calming. It’s okay to not have a destination or specific place you are travelling. Pick a local place, like your neighbourhood grocery store, for safety turning around and heading home. 

TIP #8: Walk With A Baby Carrier 

Strap your baby in a baby carrier and take him or her along with you, to do simple and safe house chores, or take a short walk. The different lights and humming sounds (even the sound of the clothes dryer), help create a relaxing vibe. This may allow your baby to stop focusing on crying and enjoy quiet, bonding time. 

TIP #9: Rub Your Baby’s Back 

Rub your baby's back to help the movement of gas upward, causing burping which will relieve even more pressure. The rubbing is gentle on your babies’ skin and will help to prevent the back arching, which can happen when they are experiencing back pain. 

TIP #10: Let Your Baby Swing/Rock In Bassinet 

When your baby's crying gets a little intense, place them in a swing or bassinet and allow them to rock in a steady manner. It’s okay if it isn’t bedtime or their normal hour to take a nap. 

Caring for an infant with colic shouldn’t be challenging. There are several unique techniques you can try, given the new remedies and baby care trends. Remember that colic is not a disease, simply a premature digestive system. Try all of our expert-approved tips, to help ease your newborns colic symptoms. 

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